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[대회.수업] 하울링세계무술 : 2021 주영한국대사배 태권도 및 한국무예 온라인 세계대회

by 세계무술 2021. 7. 7.

2021 주영한국대사배 태권도 및 한국무예 온라인 세계대회
[ 대 회 요 강 ]
본 대회는 주영한국대사관과 주영한국문화원이 주최하고 한국무예지도자협회(이하 KMAMA)가 주관하는 전 세계에서 태권도 및 한국무예인의 축제입니다.
»»» 참가를 원하시는 분은 아래 사항을 참고하거나 하울링세계무술로 신청하시면 됩니다.
1. https://www.kmama.co.uk 접속 메인 화면에서 View More 클릭
2. Google Form을 클릭하여 온라인 디지털 신청서 제출
3. 참가비 £10 Paypal 또는 은행 송금을 통해 최종 마감일(2021 7 31) 전 입금
4. 참가자 시연 녹화 영상을 KMAMA Google Drive에 선택한 카테고리(C1, C2, C3)  1분 이내의 동영상 첨부
5. 시연 영상은 8월 중 확인 절차를 걸쳐 9 12일 라이브로 채점 및 순위를 정하고 결과는 당일 라이브로 유튜브 KMAMA TV로 발표
대회 종목: 참가자는 하나의 카테고리만 선택 가능
C1. 태권도: 국기원 공인 태권도 품세
C2. 한국 무예: 한국 무예: 특공 무술, 택견, 합기도 등
C3. 창작 시연: 개인 또는 단체(호신술, 연속 발차기, 기계체조 , 무기술등)
대회 진행:
 유급자 부문:
4  6  7  10   11  14  15  18  19세 이상
 유단자 부문:
7  10  11 - 14  15  18  19세 이상
심판 채점 기준
 각 그룹에는 최소 3명의 심사 위원이 100점 만점으로 채점
 점수는 모든 심사위원의 총점을 평균으로 계산
 동일한 점수를 받았을 경우 심사위원은 2차 라운드 요청
 2차 라운드 시 이전 1차 라운드의 점수는 재대결 점수에 영향 없음
 심사 위원의 결정이 최종적
 모든 결과는 부문별 시합 종료 후 발표
 입상자는 가장 많은 점수를 획득한 순서대로 정함
 감점 : 참가자가 제한 시간(1)을 초과하면 0.5점을 감점
 대회 중 누적 된 모든 감점은 최종 점수에서 신중히 평가

동작의 정확성
동작의 범위 정확도 / 강약조절 / 리듬
구성 및 표현력
중심 / 속도 / 힘과 에너지 표현력(기합, 집중력, 이해력)
수상자 및 상장, 메달
 각 부문의 우승자는 대회당일 발표됩니다.
 모든 참가자는 참가증을 받게 되고 입상자는 순위에 따라 메달 및 상장을 받게 됩니다.
 입상자 상장 및 메달 배송은 전염병으로 인해 나라의 위치에 따라 다소 지연 가능성이 있으니 이에 충분한 시간을 허용하여 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
문의 또는 질문 사항은 담당자. 미스 파멜라에게 보내시면 됩니다. officekmama@gmail.com 코로나19 정부 제한으로 인해 모든 참가자,심판, 관람자는 KMAMA Youtube Platform- KMAMA TV를 통해 가상으로 참가하실 수 있습니다.
Deadline for submission of Final Videos and payment Saturday 31st of July Via https://www.kmama.co.uk/
최종 동영상 제출 및 결제 마감 7  31 일 토요일 https://www.kmama.co.uk/를 통해 주세요.




KMAMA are proud to open a global invitation to all practitioners of Korean Martial Arts as recognised by the UK KOREAN AMBASSADOR to the 4th KMAMA TAEKWONDO & KOREAN MARTIAL ARTS Championship 2021.
Applicants must submit their application by clicking the Google Form or via our website - https://www.kmama.co.uk/. There will also be an additional application fee of 15£ per applicant which must be paid before the final deadline via Paypal or Bank Transfer.
Contestants will be required to perform a 1-minute video consisting of their full name, traditional bow and a performance in the chosen category on the next page. Applications will be taken virtually whilst submissions will be taken digitally by contestants recording and uploading their performances to our KMAMA Google Drive.
Performances will be screened by our panel of expert judges initially by the end of August and then submitted into a final group performance for their respective category for the 12th September where the participants will be scored and judged LIVE on KMAMA TV. Rankings will be announced LIVE on the day.

FINAL DEADLINE for complete application including payment and upload of performance video; Saturday 31st July
Applicants must have submitted a complete application with the video of their performance uploaded to be considered for the initial screening.
Traditional Korean Martial Arts; Taekwondo, Taekkyeon, Teuk Gong Moo Sool, Hapkido and Gumdo

Competition Categories
 C2 - KOREAN MARTIAL ARTS  Any patterns of Teuk Gong Moo Sool, Taekkyeon or any Korean Martial Art recognised by the KMAMA Board
 C3  CUSTOM PERFORMANCES (Freestyle performances from any federation recognised by the KMAMA board ie; Hapkido self-defence, Weapons, etc)
Competitors can apply to participate in only one category. Applications are available for the following ages and gender:
Junior Division: (all colour Belts)
 4 to 6 years
 7 to 10 years
 11 to 14 years
 15 to 18 Years
 19 to 34 years
 35 and above
Senior Division: (Above Red and Black Belt)
 7 to 10 years
 11 to 14 years
 15 to 18 Years
 19 to 34 years
 35 and above
How to Apply
 An online Google application is available via our website. There are additional videos uploaded in our “How To” section on the website for guidance on how to record your submissions
 An additional Payment of £15 per each applicant is required via Bank transfer or PayPal.
- PayPal; KMAMA (need more details from Pamela)
- Bank transfer details as follow.
Bank Name; Lloyds Bank
Holder; KMAMA (community account)
Sort Code; 30-90-90
Account No; 31652968
IBAN; GB18LOYD3090 9031 6529 68
 When making a payment please use the Reference format of;

Traditional Korean Martial Arts; Taekwondo, Taekkyeon, Teuk Gong Moo Sool, Hapkido and Gumdo

Judges Point Distribution
 Each group will have a minimum of three judges where scoring will be based on a 100-point system. Scores are calculated by getting the average of the total scores by different judges.
 In the event of a tie-break, judges may request a second round to be performed. The previous score will not affect the score from the rematch.
 The judges’ decision will be final. All results will be announced at the end of the event
during the final ceremony. The winner shall be the contestant who is awarded the most points in total.
 Deduction of points: Should a contestant exceed the time limit, 0.5 points shall be deducted from the final score, all penalties accumulated during the competition shall be considered and deducted from the final score.
Accuracy of Performance
Accuracy of range of
Rhythm (or Adjustment)
Presentation and Expression
Power & Expression of energy (i.g. shouting, concentration, or meditation)
Spectators and Participants
The Championship will be hosted from KMAMA TV. Make sure you are subscribed to keep up to date with all the announcements and performances. Additionally, all registered competitors will be sent a YouTube invitation up to 10 days before the completion commences via email or by mobile where appropriate.
Winners and Awards
Winners of each category will be announced on the day of the event. Every participant will receive an attendance certificate and successive winners shall receive awards accordingly. Please allow sufficient time for international locations and any potential delays due to the pandemic for postage of prizes.

Deadline for submission of Final Videos and payment
Saturday 31 st of July Via https://www.kmama.co.uk/

Enquires or queries can be sent to; Miss Pamela - officekmama@gmail.com
Due to government restrictions pertaining to the coronavirus pandemic our proposal is to deliver a fully Online event with all competitors, judges & referees, audience members and guests of honour to attend virtually via the KMAMA Youtube Platform.

Traditional Korean Martial Arts; Taekwondo, Taekkyeon, Teuk Gong Moo Sool, Hapkido and Gumdo

